The latest road trip, this one to Austin, Texas, began yesterday in bright sunshine. However, I left knowing full well that I was heading into an onslaught of extremely bad weather.
By the time I had reached Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, it was apparent that the warnings were not overdone. Tornadoes had killed several people in North Carolina, and the weather line was closing in quickly. Rain was coming down hard and the wind was blowing it sideways. Gusts of 60+ MPH were reported, and I saw they weren't kidding -- a tractor trailer just ahead of me swerved snake-like in a strong gust. I didn't think it wise to push my luck any further.
Besides, it was time to EAT. I saw a sign for Johnny Rockets burgers, and that's all it took to get me to pull over. It was just what I needed.
This was a particularly spirited Rockets location. They had some great tunes playing from the juke box. At one point, Aretha Franklin came on, and the entire waitstaff got out on the floor and did a line dance to "Respect." It was hysterical.
I shot some video of it, but am sadly having some probs uploading it. I'll try to fix it soon.
For now, there are only the photos of the classic Johnny Rockets' burger with grilled onions and a side salad with Thousand Island dressing, and the cool table-side juke box. And yes, it had Louie Louie by the Kingsmen.
Of course I checked. It's not a juke box without that one-take masterpiece, and it's not a party without it playing at full volume either.
Listen and enjoy it here. By the way, the infamous F-bomb is clearly heard @ 1:01. You'd be surprised how many people have never found it. The FCC was convinced it was the lyrics that contained offensive language. But it was simply shouted in between verses -- hiding in plain sight.
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